65 awesome marriage tips that’ll dramatically improve your relationship

If you do a quick search online, you can find hundreds (if not thousands) of marriage self-help books claiming to have all the answers. Although the scholars may have a few tricks up their sleeves, there is no advice that comes close to the wisdom of someone who has actually made their marriage work.

We asked a large group of women, “What is the best marriage advice you’ve ever received?” Here are just a few of their responses:

  1. Genuinely compliment your spouse on a daily basis.
  2. Keep “divorce” out of your vocabulary.
  3. Don’t make major decisions when you’re upset.
  4. Strengthen each other’s weaknesses.
  5. Love your spouse for their eccentricities.
  6. Never call your spouse an unkind name.
  7. Always be kind and gentle.
  8. Marriage is not 50/50. Instead it’s 100/100. Give 100% to your marriage and don’t ever hold back.
  9. Keep up a regular date night with your spouse.
  10. Write down a list of 100 reasons why you chose to marry your spouse and review it often.
  11. Do not keep score.
  12. Be the best you can be.
  13. Build a strong foundation, so when tough times come, you’ll be ready to handle them together.
  14. Be slow to anger and quick to forgive.
  15. When something is broken in your relationship, fix it!
  16. Say, “I love you,” every single day.
  17. Focus on making your spouse happy.
  18. Don’t try to change your spouse.
  19. Never expect your spouse to read your mind. Tell them exactly what you want.
  20. Be open and honest about your expectations.
  21. Never withhold affection as a punishment.
  22. Happiness and love are choices. Chose them both – every single day.
  23. Don’t get stuck on your unsolvable problems. They are always going to be there. Do the best you can and move on.
  24. Be slow to criticize and quick to encourage.
  25. Look for opportunities to serve.
  26. Create a bucket list of all your goals and dreams.
  27. Don’t fight when you’re hungry.
  28. Kiss in public.
  29. Celebrate every big and small victory.
  31. Talk openly and honestly about finances.
  32. Trust that it will always work out.
  33. Put your marriage before your children.
  34. Work hard for your dreams.
  35. Take out the trash without being asked.
  36. Make your spouse your closest friend.
  37. Treat your spouse like a king or queen.
  38. Respect and honor your in-laws, no matter how much you disagree.
  39. Be quick to apologize.
  40. Assume the best.
  41. Review your vows on a regular basis.
  42. Always speak highly of your spouse.
  43. Don’t nag.
  44. Put your spouse’s needs before everyone else’s. Make them your priority.
  45. Cuddle, hold hands, and show physical affection.
  46. Be unselfish.
  47. Rely on one another.
  48. Flirt with your spouse.
  49. Have realistic expectations.
  50. Merge your lives together as much as possible.
  51. Be your genuine self.
  52. Fight against the world, and not against each other.
  53. Go to bed at the same time every single night.
  54. Remember that marriage needs constant love and care.
  55. Spoil your spouse – especially on special occasions like anniversaries and birthdays.
  56. Show genuine gratitude for your spouse and the things that they do for you.
  57. Create fun family traditions together.
  58. Keep your marital problems between you and your spouse.
  59. Ask your spouse, “What can I do for you?” on a regular basis.
  60. Don’t make a big deal out of small things.
  61. Admit when you are wrong.
  62. Communicate face-to-face. Don’t let your primary source of contact be through text or social media.
  63. Go to bed angry. Everything seems better after a good night of sleep.
  64. Don’t compare your relationship to other marriages.
  65. Love him or her.

Marriage is a beautiful thing. Make that relationship a priority in your life, and you will never regret it!

>>Check Out This Guide To See If He Is Ready For Marriage <<<

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