Massage Techniques : Romance Massage Tips
Hi there. If you're curious about little romantic things you can do to massage your partner,
I can give you some tips. I'm Sundae with Natural Sundae. Now one of the most important
things you can do when you'd like to be alone with…with your partner and have a relaxing
evening, is you can set some….light some candles, and set romantic music up, and that's
actually really a nice way to get closer together. Forget your…the stress of your week, and
just be together and enjoy each other's company. And this first thing you can do is just start
massaging the scalp or the ears, and those are two really nice areas of the body to start
massaging, and they really, really feel good. And other parts of the body you can help your
partner with are their hands and their feet. They have a lot of sensitive touch receptors
on your hands and feet, and they really promote relaxation. And those are just some of the
areas of the body that you can help your partner relax and have a nice relaxing evening, especially
with the candles and the music. That's a really nice way to spend an evening with your partner.
I'm Sundae with Natural Sundae.
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