If you do a quick search online, you can find hundreds (if not thousands) of marriage self-help books claiming to have all the answers. Although the scholars may have a few tricks up their sleeves, there is no advice that comes close to the wisdom of someone who has actually made their marriage work.
We asked a large group of women, “What is the best marriage advice you’ve ever received?” Here are just a few of their responses:
- Genuinely compliment your spouse on a daily basis.
- Keep “divorce” out of your vocabulary.
- Don’t make major decisions when you’re upset.
- Strengthen each other’s weaknesses.
- Love your spouse for their eccentricities.
- Never call your spouse an unkind name.
- Always be kind and gentle.
- Marriage is not 50/50. Instead it’s 100/100. Give 100% to your marriage and don’t ever hold back.
- Keep up a regular date night with your spouse.
- Write down a list of 100 reasons why you chose to marry your spouse and review it often.
- Do not keep score.
- Be the best you can be.
- Build a strong foundation, so when tough times come, you’ll be ready to handle them together.
- Be slow to anger and quick to forgive.
- When something is broken in your relationship, fix it!
- Say, “I love you,” every single day.
- Focus on making your spouse happy.
- Don’t try to change your spouse.
- Never expect your spouse to read your mind. Tell them exactly what you want.
- Be open and honest about your expectations.
- Never withhold affection as a punishment.
- Happiness and love are choices. Chose them both – every single day.
- Don’t get stuck on your unsolvable problems. They are always going to be there. Do the best you can and move on.
- Be slow to criticize and quick to encourage.
- Look for opportunities to serve.
- Create a bucket list of all your goals and dreams.
- Don’t fight when you’re hungry.
- Kiss in public.
- Celebrate every big and small victory.
- Talk openly and honestly about finances.
- Trust that it will always work out.
- Put your marriage before your children.
- Work hard for your dreams.
- Take out the trash without being asked.
- Make your spouse your closest friend.
- Treat your spouse like a king or queen.
- Respect and honor your in-laws, no matter how much you disagree.
- Be quick to apologize.
- Assume the best.
- Review your vows on a regular basis.
- Always speak highly of your spouse.
- Don’t nag.
- Put your spouse’s needs before everyone else’s. Make them your priority.
- Cuddle, hold hands, and show physical affection.
- Be unselfish.
- Rely on one another.
- Flirt with your spouse.
- Have realistic expectations.
- Merge your lives together as much as possible.
- Be your genuine self.
- Fight against the world, and not against each other.
- Go to bed at the same time every single night.
- Remember that marriage needs constant love and care.
- Spoil your spouse – especially on special occasions like anniversaries and birthdays.
- Show genuine gratitude for your spouse and the things that they do for you.
- Create fun family traditions together.
- Keep your marital problems between you and your spouse.
- Ask your spouse, “What can I do for you?” on a regular basis.
- Don’t make a big deal out of small things.
- Admit when you are wrong.
- Communicate face-to-face. Don’t let your primary source of contact be through text or social media.
- Go to bed angry. Everything seems better after a good night of sleep.
- Don’t compare your relationship to other marriages.
- Love him or her.
Marriage is a beautiful thing. Make that relationship a priority in your life, and you will never regret it!
>>Check Out This Guide To See If He Is Ready For Marriage <<<
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