Tag: dating advice

  • 20 Relationship, LIFE And Romance Tips That Will Change Your Life – Owen fox

    20 Relationship, LIFE And Romance Tips That Will Change Your Life – Owen fox

    REJUVENATE Herbal Formula for adrenals, tiredness/exhaustion/burnout, recovery from illness/exercise/sport/childbirth/depletion, illustrious hair, skin and nails, bones, teeth, joints, restoring JING, and increased sex-drive and health: http://goo.gl/z2NjXG
    STRENGTH Herbal Formula for energy, stamina, endurance, digestive power, building strength and lean muscle mass. Strengthens skeletal system, joints, tendons, knees, back, ankles and ligaments. Increased sex drive and libido! http://goo.gl/z3cydu

    SERENITY Herbal Formula for Anxiety, Depression, Fear, Loss, Grief, Improved Sleep, Finding purpose in life: http://goo.gl/89Dpev

    IMMUNE Herbal Formula for Immune System: http://goo.gl/Khm3aK

    CLEANSE Herbal Formula for Liver and Blood: http://goo.gl/vHHNas

    LONGEVITY Medicinal Mushroom Super Blend Formula: http://goo.gl/FK3Mdl

    Ho Shou Wu for Reversing Hair Loss/Color. Sexual libido, Deep energy restoration & Longevity. One of the world's premier Yin-Jing herbs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RMJGunv08s
    Learn more or get top quality Ho Shou Wu here: http://goo.gl/15gCKd

    Gynostemma: Blood pressure, Cholesterol, Arrhythmia, Adrenal & Respiratory Support, Pain or Arthritis, Dementia & Bronchitis, Immunity, Cancer, Energy, Sleep, Stress, Possibly BEST powerful adaptogen on the planet, Longevity, DNA protection. Highly recommended for daily use:
    100g Gynotsemma Extract: http://goo.gl/5mcUAx
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    Cordyceps amazing energy herb for athletes, sick or ill people, anyone wanting more energy and strength, and sports people wanting lean muscle mass gain, greater performance, endurance and stamina. Scientifically shown to increase ATP and oxygen levels by as much as 33% and more! One of Chinese's superior, top tonic herbs and adaptogens. Great for immune system and lungs also.
    16oz/454g: http://goo.gl/s713tN
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    Visit my FULL inspired Herbshop to Empower & Supercharge your Life! http://www.higherselfherbs.com. Has helped me more than words can say and I used to be very unwell. Now I feel great and have loads of energy!

    HERBS/Superfoods/supplements FOR SPECIFIC CONDITIONS: Use code FOX562 for up to $10 off first order. Free US shipping plus extra discounts with orders over $60 also! http://goo.gl/SnhAr3

    EMPOWERMENT/CLARITY COACHING with Owen & GROUP/RELATIONSHIP COUNSELING With Owen and his partner Sally: http://www.owenfox.org

    SUBSCRIBE! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=0wenfox

    SHARE 20 Relationship, LIFE And Romance Tips That Will Change Your Life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5a4v5k-Ci4

    10 Ways to SUPER raise your vibration and energy & feel GREAT!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOs9ATgVzFo&list=TLEAsB4hxWbh8


    HERBS THAT CHANGED MY LIFE! http://goo.gl/QiUZQ9

    PERSONAL EMPOWERMENT: http://goo.gl/lvvEHn

    EMOTIONAL WELLNESS & JOY: http://goo.gl/4gJWjg

    EMPOWERED RELATIONSHIPS: http://goo.gl/Svk59U


    Special Playlists I Designed To Help You Empower Yourself & Create The Awesome Life That You Deserve: https://www.youtube.com/user/0wenfox

    Owen Fox is a passionate lover of life, herbalist and health fan, author, coach and self help teacher. He helps people go from confusion to clarity. From disempowerment and weakness, to confidence and positive POWER of the best, most fun, able and exciting kind, where your life is fun, exciting and at your fingertips, to create virtually anything that you wish for. Owen has gone thru many deep, dark nights of the soul, and many big losses in his life at a young age so he can help live and teach a great life. He is very personable, and an extrovert, and is happy to interact with you should you have any questions or inquiries.

    Owen's 1st book here! Golden Messages of Abundant Joy & Celebration! http://goo.gl/wEjA4G Kindle: http://goo.gl/cyy9UA


    FREE VEGAN RECIPES: http://www.sallyservesyou.com

    JOIN OWEN ON FACEBOOK: http://goo.gl/nM2PyM

    TWITTER: https://twitter.com/0wenfox

    If for any reason you feel inspired to give me a great surprise, donation gifts are gratefully and enthusiastically received! http://goo.gl/zNbXTW

    Thank you for all your love & support in mine and Sally's life**

    Know Thyself
    Love Thyself
    BE Thyself

    Take 100% Responsibility for your life
    Then Change your life for the better!

    Eat plenty of fresh raw fruits and vegetables!
    Clean Your GI Tract & Strengthen Your Organs With Herbs, Superfoods, Deep Breathing, Sunshine, Stretching or/and Yoga, Early Nights or Enough Sleep and other healthy, natural practices!

    Remember how POWERFUL You are & Create -For others and yourself- a Life of JOY and LOVE that you deserve!

    Namaste & love,

  • 3 Easy Tips To Increase Your Confidence – by Kimberly Seltzer (for Digital Romance TV)

    3 Easy Tips To Increase Your Confidence – by Kimberly Seltzer (for Digital Romance TV)

    Having confidence helps you attract what you want, in dating and in life. In this video, dating and image expert Kimberly Seltzer (http://digitalromanceinc.com/author/kimberlyseltzer/) shares three tips for helping you feel more confident.

    Learn how to pick confidence boosting clothes, find your natural confidence, and how to identify your strengths.

    Welcome to Digital Romance TV. Your one stop channel for all of your relationship needs! http://digitalromance.tv

    To learn more, sign up for Kimberly's newsletter at http://EliteImageMakeovers.com or check out her blog at http://EliteImageMakeovers.com/adviceblog

    Do you want to create passion and romance in your relationship and keep it going? Visit http://digitalromance.tv/trb for Mike Fiore's Text The Romance Back program and learn how to make your partner yearn for you all day long with just a few simple text messages.

    Digital Romance TV.

    Technology has enriched our lives and made day-to-day tasks easier than ever before… but when it comes to romance, we're stuck in the bronze age. Click on any of our videos ( http://www.youtube.com/digitalromanceinc ) to get "tips" and "tools" to make your dating life and relationships richer!

    From reigniting the "spark" in a relationship, to working through a breakup, to landing that "special someone" that you've got your eye on, we're constantly expanding our library of products to teach you how to optimize your romantic life for the information age.

    In keeping with our commitment to using technology to make life easier, all of our content is digitally delivered. From our free podcasts and training PDFs to our premium videos and online communities, we save our customers time and money by skipping physical media and publishing everything online.

    Check out all of our products here: http://digitalromanceinc.com/all-products/

    Subscribe to Digital Romance TV here: https://www.youtube.com/user/DigitalRomanceInc?sub_confirmation=1

  • How to Turn a Friendship into a Romance | Teen Dating Tips

    How to Turn a Friendship into a Romance | Teen Dating Tips

    Like these Sex and Dating lessons !!! Check out the official app http://apple.co/1P27qdO

    Watch more Middle School & High School Dating Advice videos: http://www.howcast.com/videos/496989-How-to-Turn-a-Friendship-into-a-Romance-Teen-Dating-Tips

    Hey guys. My name is Shallon and I'm here to help you with all the questions you might have about love, lust, romance, and everything in between. For more, visit me on twitter @downtownshallon or be sure to check out my website shallononline.com. Turning a friendship into romance is not always easy but it is possible. Here are a few easy steps to get the job done. First of all, don't talk to the other person, guy or girl, about who they might be dating or who they like. I know that this is really tempting because you feel like you're bonding with them, and maybe if you can secretly give them bad advice to break up with that person and date you, but what's more likely to happen is that they will start to see you as their therapist. And that is the opposite of a boyfriend or a girlfriend. So make sure that you guys keep the subjects that have nothing to do with them hanging out with someone else. Also, try to position yourself as more than just a friend. Guys take some pride in your appearance. Do you hair a little bit, a few spritz of cologne or some nice deodorant care in there will help separate you from just one of the buddies to a manly man. Girls, same thing. You don't have to go over the top with any make up or anything like that, but a little lip gloss, maybe some body spray, brush our hair out, will again, help a boy see you as more than just a pal. Guys, if you really like a girl, don't be afraid to ask her to hang out. A lot of times I've had big crushes on my guy friends, but I was just terrified to make the first move. That's kind of a man's job. So if you really like her say, "Hey, why don't you and I go to the movies this week. I'll buy you a soda and some popcorn and we can see the new Captain America." If she's into it she'll be like OK, and maybe she'll start to see you in a new light she never thought possible. But if she's not, hey, worst case you still have a great friendship, and that is sometimes more valuable.