Tag: gay marriage

  • ★TES 5 Skyrim Gameplay –  How to get Married & Marriage Benefits – Tips and Tricks #14 [PC HD]

    ★TES 5 Skyrim Gameplay – How to get Married & Marriage Benefits – Tips and Tricks #14 [PC HD]

    The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Gameplay How to get Married and the benefits of getting Marriage.
    IS SHOWN: How to get married in the game, buying a house, obtaining an amulet of mara, doing the quest of the NPC you chose and then the weeding ceremony 🙂 Also an explanation of all the bonus of the marriage, from your wife.

    I recommend buying the house in Whiterun as it is only 5000 gold.

    Skyrim How To Get Married Getting Marriage Tips and Tricks #14

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    Here is the list of NPCs Available For Marriage


    Aela the Huntress — Nord, found in a farm outside Whiterun.
    Aeri — Nord, found in the Pale, inside her house.
    Anwen — Redguard, found in Markarth Temple.
    Avrusa Sarethi — Dark Elf, found in the Sarethi farm in the Rift.
    Borgahk the Steel Heart — Orc, found in Mor Khazgur.
    Brelyna Maryon — Dark Elf, found in the College of Winterhold.
    Camilla Valerius — Imperial, found in Riverwood.
    Dravynea the Stoneweaver — Dark Elf, found in Kyne's Grove.
    Ghorza gra-Bagol — Orc, found in Markarth.
    Gilfre — Imperial, found in the Mixwater Mill in Eastmarch.
    Grelka — Nord, found in Riften.
    Iona — Nord, also found in Riften.
    Jenassa — Dark Elf, found in the Drunken Huntsman, in Whiterun.
    Jordis the Sword-Maiden — Nord, found in Proudspire Manor, in Solitude.
    Lydia — Nord, found in Dragonsreach, in Whiterun.
    Mjoll the Lioness — Nord, found in her house, in Riften.
    Muiri — Breton, found in The Hag's Cure, in Markarth.
    Njada Stonearm — Nord, found in the Companion's Faction House, in Whiterun.
    Orla — Nord, found in the Temple of Dibella, in Markarth.
    Ria — Imperial, found in the Companion's Faction House, in Whiterun.
    Senna — Imperial, found in the Temple of Dibella, in Markarth.
    Shahvee — Argonian, found outside Windhelm.
    Sylgja — Nord, found in Shor's Stone.
    Taarie — High Elf, found in Solitude.
    Temba Wide-Arm — Nord, found in Ivarstead.
    Uthgerd — Nord, found in her house, in Whiterun.
    Viola Giordano — Imperial, found in Windhelm, in Eastmarch.
    Ysolda — Nord, found in Whiterun.


    Ainethach — Breton, found in Karthwasten Hall, in Karthwasten.
    Angrenor Once-Honored — Nord, found in Candlehearth Hall, in Windhelm.
    Argis the Bulwark — Nord, found in Vlindrel Hall, in Markarth.
    Athis — Dark Elf, found in the Jorrvaskr Living Quarters, in Whiterun.
    Balimund — Nord, found in The Scorched Hammer, in Riften.
    Belrand — Nord, found in The Winking Skeever, in Solitude.
    Benor — Nord, found in Morthal.
    Calder — Nord, found in Hjerim, in Windhelm.
    Cosnach — Breton, found in The Warrens, in Markarth.
    Derkeethus — Argonian, found in Darkwater Pass.
    Erik the Slayer — Nord, found in Frostfruit Inn, in Rorikstead.
    Farkas — Nord, found in the Brill and Vignar, in Whiterun.
    Filnjar — Nord, found in his house, in Shor's Stone.
    Gat gro-Shargakh — Orc, found in Pavo's House, in Kolskeggr Mine.
    Ghorbash the Iron Hand — Orc, found in Burguk's Longhouse, in Dushnikh Yal.
    Marcurio — Imperial, found in Riften.
    Moth gro-Bagol — Orc, found in Understone Keep, in Markarth.
    Octieve San — Breton, found in Solitude.
    Omluag — Breton, found in The Warrens, in Markarth.
    Onmund — Nord, found in The Hall of Attainment, in the College of Winterhold.
    Pavo Attius — Imperial, found in his house, in Kolskeggr Mine.
    Perth — Breton, found in the Miner's House, in Soljund's Sinkhole.
    Quintus Navale — Imperial, found in White Phial Services, in Windhelm.
    Revyn Sadri — Dark Elf, found in Sadri's Used Wares, in Windhelm.
    Roggi Knot-Beard — Nord, found in Steamscorch Mine, in Kyne's Grove.
    Romlyn Dreth — Dark Elf, found in his house, in Riften.
    Scouts-Many-Marshes — Argonian, found in the Argonian Assemblage, in Windhelm.
    Sondas Drenim — Dark Elf, found in Goldenrock Mine, in Darkwater Crossing.
    Sorex Vinius — Imperial, found in Solitude.
    Stenvar — Nord, found in Windhelm.
    Torvar — Nord, found in the Companion's Faction House, in Whiterun.
    Vilkas — Nord, also found in the Companion's Faction House, in Whiterun.
    Vorstag — Nord, found in Markarth.
    Wilhelm — Nord, found in Ivarstead.