Tag: Love

  • Bette Midler – Gift of Love


    Bette Midler – Gift of Love


    I hope you enjoy this Classic love song. Great song to add to your playlist for

    Valentines Day. Whether its a date to the movies, dinner at a fancy restaurant or cuddling on the couch with your

    special loved one, make it a romantic night!


    I found this enchanting charm and necklace and you can pick this one up too!


  • Before You Get Married! Marriage, Romance, Love Tips

    Before You Get Married! Marriage, Romance, Love Tips

    Before getting married or moving in together, there are two things you can do to assure you're setting yourselves up for a successful long-term adventure.

    ♥ ♥ ♥

    Our award-winning books "The Soulmate Experience: A Practical Guide to Creating Extraordinary Relationships" and "The Soulmate Lover: A Guide to Passionate and Lasting Love, Sex, and Intimacy" are filled with relevant, practical—as well as unusual and fun!—relationship advice for both singles and couples.

    The Soulmate Experience: http://www.thesoulmateexperience.com/…
    The Soulmate Lover: http://www.thesoulmateexperience.com/…


    SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss a single inspiring episode:

    CONNECT with us for more dating advice, marriage advice, and relationship tips:
    TWITTER: http://twitter.com/MaliAneJoe
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  • Relationship Advice : Romance Tips for Married Couples

    Relationship Advice : Romance Tips for Married Couples

    When it comes to romance in marriage, it's important to sit down with one's partner in order to discuss sexual desires. Learn about scheduling a pleasure event every week with help from board certified clinical sexologists in this free video on marriage and romance.

    Expert: Drs. Chuck & Jo-Ann Bird
    Contact: www.thelovebirds4u.com/home.html
    Bio: Drs. Chuck and Jo-Ann Bird are Board Certified Clinical Sexologists and Relationship Experts.
    Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz

    Series Description: A successful relationship is based on open communication and an understanding of the source of conflicts. Learn how to solve common relationship problems in this free video series on counseling and sexual issues.

  • Tips for Rekindling the Romance & Passion in Your Relationship – Dr. Sheri Meyers

    Tips for Rekindling the Romance & Passion in Your Relationship – Dr. Sheri Meyers

    Relationship expert, Dr. Sheri shares the surefire 3 A's to rekindle romance and passionate love in your relationship. Want to learn more? Visit the Dr. Sheri at http://www.chattingorcheating.com

  • Practical Romantic Tips for Hot Lovers | Introduce Romance Toys in the Bedroom | Telugu Short Film

    Practical Romantic Tips for Hot Lovers | Introduce Romance Toys in the Bedroom | Telugu Short Film

    Watch Practical Romantic Tips for Hot Lovers | Introduce Romance Toys in the Bedroom | Telugu Short Film

    POPCORN MOVIES is a youtube channel contains copyright content of All Latest movies Of Languages Like Tamil, Telugu, Oriya, Malayalam, Hindi And All South Indian.
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  • Igniting the romance on Valentines Day!

    Igniting the romance on Valentines Day!

    A few important tips for guys to make Valentines day more romantic and special.

    Dating advice from top dating expert, date, first dates, tips, pickup, pick up lines, flirting, seduction, romance, love, valentines day tips and advice, relationship, commitment issues, confidence, control, rejection, anxiety, eye contact, love, hot sexy women, meeting guys, skinny women.

  • How to Choose and Wear Lingerie : How to Romance Yourself with Lingerie

    How to Choose and Wear Lingerie : How to Romance Yourself with Lingerie

    Learn how to romance yourself before wearing lingerie to spice up your love life in this free video on lingerie tips, love, and romance.

    Expert: Gail Abercrombie
    Bio: Gail Abercrombie is a professional romance consultant for over seventeen years.
    Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz

  • Keeping Romance Alive in Marriage I Everyday Health

    Keeping Romance Alive in Marriage I Everyday Health

    The moms share some tips for keeping their love life exciting on this episode of Around the Clock.

    Ali Landry
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/alilandry

    Camila Alves
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/CamilaAlves

    Heather Armstrong
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/dooce
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/dooce

    Kendra Wilkinson-Baskett
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/KendraWilkinson
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/KendraWilkinson
    YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/kendra

    Logan Levkoff
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/logan.levkoff
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/LoganLevkoff

    Laila Ali
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LailaAli
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/thereallailaali

    Tracy Mourning
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/HoneyChildbyT…
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/honeychildtracy

    Everyday Health is your No. 1 resource for health and wellness advice. We make it fun and easy to live a healthier, happier lifestyle. Subscribe now and start feeling better — every day.

    Everyday Health: http://bit.ly/PylUHJ
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    Pinterest: http://bit.ly/U4whQ5

  • How to Write a Romance Book: Writing a Good Love Story | 5 Author Tips

    How to Write a Romance Book: Writing a Good Love Story | 5 Author Tips

    5 Tips to Writing a Romance Novel.

    Writing a romance novel is not the easiest thing in the world to do. But with some skill, time and honesty about the subject, you can write something incredibly unique. That's the beauty of a real love story from the heart…it's a story no-one else can tell but your own. After all, the romance genre has always been incredibly popular, particular stories that become big and world-wide known hit a particular chord in people from certain cultures.

    Looking at Twilight it hit a certain group of people. Each with a shared trait that gravitated them towards the book.

    The fault in our stars is also another big hitter that's currently sweeping the world with the release of the film only recently happening. So what makes a romance novel good? Well, it all comes from knowing who you're speaking to.

    Want to write the next big romance novel? I've got the video for you. This video will give you 5 tips on how to write a romance novel or just any story that has a love plot involved in it because it's VERY important you understand WHY and HOW to write it in your own unique and true way. So sit back and relax.

    Personally, my first published novel (which for the time being is not on sale) is all about love and is a romance story. So I'm coming from some experience here not just as a reader but as a writer too. I'm not the be all and end all on advice, I just keep throwing it out there. I have an addiction to Youtube…I need help…oh wait…here I go to make another video…argh stop me pelase helpeiehfeiohfesiofh……..

    Anyway =] Do enjoy and as always here are all the ways you can get in touch with me down below:

    See my face : https://www.facebook.com/authorjamesedwards
    Twitter: @JamesEdwards59
    E-mail: james@procrastinatingwriter.com

  • More Happy Marriage Tips & Rambling

    More Happy Marriage Tips & Rambling

    Hi All,

    As many of you know, I have been married almost 20 years, and sometimes I find myself sharing advice with women who are just getting started on their marital journey. I am a major marriage advocate, and this week I became even more excited about sharing tips to help keeping others married longer as I debated the benefits of marriage with some naysayers. You can find your Mr. Right, and you can have a long, successful marriage if you work at it. More tips to come!

    Take Care & God Bless,
