Tag: Marriage

  • FP360 #113: How to Bring Back Romance in Your Marriage, 3 Tips in less than 60 seconds

    FP360 #113: How to Bring Back Romance in Your Marriage, 3 Tips in less than 60 seconds

    Rekindle your marriage and keep the romance alive. Here are 3 tips from Shela Dean on bringing back the romance in your marriage. To view the full video visit https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h0dRXXv6cX4 (Twoology) (How can we bring romance back into our marriage?). Shela Dean is a Relationship Coach, author and speaker. She has counseled more than 2,000 couples since 1983 and is the bestselling author of Frequent Foreplay Miles, Your Ticket to Total Intimacy, a guide to improving intimacy for couples, Frequent Foreplay Miles for the Remarried, and ReDate Your Mate, 4 Steps to Falling in Love All Over Again (Boomer Edition). If you like FP360 — Subscribe to this channel and help us get to 1 million subscribers. What is FP360? — A channel for living your Full Potential: 3 Tips or More in 60 Seconds or Less. You can visit Shela Dean's website: http://sheladean.com/


  • Before You Get Married! Marriage, Romance, Love Tips

    Before You Get Married! Marriage, Romance, Love Tips

    Before getting married or moving in together, there are two things you can do to assure you're setting yourselves up for a successful long-term adventure.

    ♥ ♥ ♥

    Our award-winning books "The Soulmate Experience: A Practical Guide to Creating Extraordinary Relationships" and "The Soulmate Lover: A Guide to Passionate and Lasting Love, Sex, and Intimacy" are filled with relevant, practical—as well as unusual and fun!—relationship advice for both singles and couples.

    The Soulmate Experience: http://www.thesoulmateexperience.com/…
    The Soulmate Lover: http://www.thesoulmateexperience.com/…


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  • Still Sexy at 60: Tips for Keeping Romance Alive and Well in Your Marriage

    Still Sexy at 60: Tips for Keeping Romance Alive and Well in Your Marriage

    http://www.marianneclyde.com — Marianne Clyde, Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist suggests ways to add romance to your life. Date nights; shut off phones and computers, spend time together, read a book together, have an adventure together, take a hike, go for a picnic, tell your friends how much you appreciate your partner, do something especially nice for your partner, speak kindly, tell your partner how good they look to you. Find out your partner's love language and learn to speak it. Speak words of appreciation. If there has been a betrayal, ask for forgiveness. Hold hands and kiss for no reason. Choose to be happy with your partner.

  • Romance & Relationships : How to Make a Romantic Bedroom on a Budget

    Romance & Relationships : How to Make a Romantic Bedroom on a Budget

    Make a romantic bedroom on a budget by choosing romantic colors, putting up attractive pictures on the walls and choosing linens and curtains in an attractive color. Try sewing bedroom linens for a budget friendly room with tips from a psychologist and couples counselor in this free video on romance.

    Expert: Reka Morvay
    Contact: www.rekamorvay.com
    Bio: Reka Morvay is a psychologist and doula with degrees from University of California, Berkeley and Cornell University. She also trained with the Hungarian Association of Cognitive and Behavior Therapy.
    Filmmaker: Paul Volniansky

  • Marriage Counseling : How to Talk to Your Partner About Rekindling a Romance

    Marriage Counseling : How to Talk to Your Partner About Rekindling a Romance

    Talk to your partner about rekindling a romance by making sure the relationship fundamentals are there before developing an action plan. Rekindle a romance with tips from the author of a book on marriage in this free video on marriage counseling.

    Expert: Joe Cuenco
    Contact: www.married4ever.com
    Bio: Joe Cuenco is the author of "Married For 5000 Years," a research book that analyzes marriage.
    Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz

  • Important Tips for a Happy Marriage Life

    Important Tips for a Happy Marriage Life

    How to maintain happy relationship with life partner. What are the things which matters alot to live a happy married life. What are the critical points which need not to come in between and how can we life a happy married life.

  • Keeping Romance Alive in Marriage I Everyday Health

    Keeping Romance Alive in Marriage I Everyday Health

    The moms share some tips for keeping their love life exciting on this episode of Around the Clock.

    Ali Landry
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/alilandry

    Camila Alves
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/CamilaAlves

    Heather Armstrong
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/dooce
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/dooce

    Kendra Wilkinson-Baskett
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/KendraWilkinson
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/KendraWilkinson
    YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/kendra

    Logan Levkoff
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/logan.levkoff
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/LoganLevkoff

    Laila Ali
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LailaAli
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/thereallailaali

    Tracy Mourning
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/HoneyChildbyT…
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/honeychildtracy

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  • 5 Killer Marriage Tips

    5 Killer Marriage Tips

    Video promotion for a marriage conference at Charity Tabernacle.

  • More Happy Marriage Tips & Rambling

    More Happy Marriage Tips & Rambling

    Hi All,

    As many of you know, I have been married almost 20 years, and sometimes I find myself sharing advice with women who are just getting started on their marital journey. I am a major marriage advocate, and this week I became even more excited about sharing tips to help keeping others married longer as I debated the benefits of marriage with some naysayers. You can find your Mr. Right, and you can have a long, successful marriage if you work at it. More tips to come!

    Take Care & God Bless,


  • Relationship Advice : How to Rekindle Lost Romance in a Christian Marriage

    Relationship Advice : How to Rekindle Lost Romance in a Christian Marriage

    Rekindling the romance in a Christian marriage is all about planning a date night in which both people can focus on enjoying each other's company. Make an effort to appreciate a spouse in a Christian marriage with advice from a dating coach in this free video on relationship issues.

    Expert: Donna Barnes
    Contact: www.donnabarnes.com
    Bio: Donna Barnes is a professional life coach, relationship expert, television host, author, columnist and producer, based in New York City.
    Filmmaker: Paul Muller