Tag: Marriage Advice

  • Before You Get Married! Marriage, Romance, Love Tips

    Before You Get Married! Marriage, Romance, Love Tips

    Before getting married or moving in together, there are two things you can do to assure you're setting yourselves up for a successful long-term adventure.

    ♥ ♥ ♥

    Our award-winning books "The Soulmate Experience: A Practical Guide to Creating Extraordinary Relationships" and "The Soulmate Lover: A Guide to Passionate and Lasting Love, Sex, and Intimacy" are filled with relevant, practical—as well as unusual and fun!—relationship advice for both singles and couples.

    The Soulmate Experience: http://www.thesoulmateexperience.com/…
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  • 4 Tips To Help You Stay Happily Married – by Nancy Salim (for Digital Romance TV)

    4 Tips To Help You Stay Happily Married – by Nancy Salim (for Digital Romance TV)

    In this video, NancyTheDatingDiva (http://NancyTheDatingDiva.com) gives you four tips to help improve your marriage today! Whether you're in a long-term relationship, just recently married, or need a little refresher, watch this video and learn:

    1. Why it's important to make each other a priority and how exactly to do so
    2. How speaking your partner's love language can result in an improved relationship and how to find out what makes your partner feel good!
    3. Why dressing nice at home can impact your love life in a great way and make your partner feel like King of the Castle! And how this can also improve your self-image and confidence!
    4. How being honest, especially about your needs in the marriage can save it from going downhill! Learn why telling the truth works to cement your marriage.

    Welcome to Digital Romance TV. Your one stop channel for all of your relationship needs! http://digitalromance.tv

    Is your relationship missing the old feeling of attraction and appreciation? Do you want to recreate the passion and romance? Check out http://digitalromance.tv/trb to learn how to send simple text messages that will make your partner yearn for you.

    Digital Romance TV.

    Technology has enriched our lives and made day-to-day tasks easier than ever before… but when it comes to romance, we're stuck in the bronze age. Click on any of our videos ( http://www.youtube.com/digitalromanceinc ) to get "tips" and "tools" to make your dating life and relationships richer!

    From reigniting the "spark" in a relationship, to working through a breakup, to landing that "special someone" that you've got your eye on, we're constantly expanding our library of products to teach you how to optimize your romantic life for the information age.

    In keeping with our commitment to using technology to make life easier, all of our content is digitally delivered. From our free podcasts and training PDFs to our premium videos and online communities, we save our customers time and money by skipping physical media and publishing everything online.

    Check out all of our products here: http://digitalromanceinc.com/all-products/

    Subscribe to Digital Romance TV here: https://www.youtube.com/user/DigitalRomanceInc?sub_confirmation=1

  • 4 Ways to Improve Your Marriage – by Nancy Salim (for Digital Romance TV)

    4 Ways to Improve Your Marriage – by Nancy Salim (for Digital Romance TV)

    In this 4 minute video, NancyTheDatingDiva (http://digitalromanceinc.com/author/nancysalim/) gives you four ways to improve your marriage.

    Welcome to Digital Romance TV. Your one stop channel for all of your relationship needs! http://digitalromance.tv

    Keep these tips in mind:
    1. Communicate respectfully and often.
    2. Don't talk bad about your partner's family or friends.
    3. Go out at least once a week with your partner alone.
    4. Don't let your career be your main focus.

    Do you want to create passion and romance in your relationship and keep it going? Visit http://digitalromance.tv/trb for Mike Fiore's Text The Romance Back program and learn how to make your partner yearn for you all day long with just a few simple text messages.

    Digital Romance TV.

    Technology has enriched our lives and made day-to-day tasks easier than ever before… but when it comes to romance, we're stuck in the bronze age. Click on any of our videos ( http://www.youtube.com/digitalromanceinc ) to get "tips" and "tools" to make your dating life and relationships richer!

    From reigniting the "spark" in a relationship, to working through a breakup, to landing that "special someone" that you've got your eye on, we're constantly expanding our library of products to teach you how to optimize your romantic life for the information age.

    In keeping with our commitment to using technology to make life easier, all of our content is digitally delivered. From our free podcasts and training PDFs to our premium videos and online communities, we save our customers time and money by skipping physical media and publishing everything online.

    Check out all of our products here: http://digitalromanceinc.com/all-products/

    Subscribe to Digital Romance TV here: https://www.youtube.com/user/DigitalRomanceInc?sub_confirmation=1



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    TV Host/Beauty & Style Expert, Tiffany Hendra, gives her girlfriend, Julianna Geldien- newly engaged- 3 tips that she has found to make her own marriage of 8 years work!

    "Of course, there is SO much more to making a marriage successful, but if a couple can sort out these 3 things I discuss- then they have a MUCH better chance of having a fun, happy, healthy and successful life together", xoxo Tiff.

  • How to Save Your Marriage And Stop Divorce (Complete Guide for 2015)

    How to Save Your Marriage And Stop Divorce (Complete Guide for 2015)

    http://www.MarriageGuy.com — Click here for more marriage saving advice.

    In this video, I’m going to teach you how to prevent separation or divorce and save your marriage. This is obviously going to be a huge topic and I’m going to cover as much as I can in this video. So sit tight and be sure to watch this entire clip, because I’m going to teach you things that most couples will never know about building a loving marriage.

    Use my free quiz tool to find out!
    — http://www.marriageguy.com/quiz

    This video is for people whose husband or wife announced that they’re no longer happy in their marriage. You may have heard painful things like, “I’m just not happy anymore”, “I don’t love you”, or “I’m leaving you.” Or, maybe they’ve already left you. No matter the case, I know how extremely difficult, stressful, and heartbreaking this situation is… and I know how hopeless you might feel at this very moment. So I’m going to start off this long video by telling you that there IS light at the end of this long tunnel. With the proper guidance, help, and attitude, it is possible to turn your marriage around despite how adamant your spouse may be on divorce. I know this because I’ve seen thousands of so called “hopeless” couples turn it around – and I know exactly how they did it.

    With that being said, rebuilding a broken marriage is a rocky road. Sometimes, things can get a little worse before they get better, and it takes a lot of devotion on your part to make things better. However, I promise you that if you watch this whole video and follow my advice very closely, you’ll have the best chance possible of rebuilding that marriage you and your spouse deserve.

    But before I get into what TO do to save your marriage, I first need to tell you about what NOT to do. The vast majority of married couples that I coach commit almost all of these very damaging mistakes. And I know that some of you might be in a situation where your spouse isn’t willing to work on the marriage, but in a minute, I’ll tell you why that’s okay, and why it’s even more important for you to learn these common mistakes before you go down the road of rebuilding a newer, happier marriage.

    Some of this stuff you may already know, but it’s important to remember these mistakes before you cause any further damage to your marriage – and these are tips that will have an immediate impact on your relationship.

    I like to call these mistakes my “Big Marital Mistakes”.

    Big Marital Mistakes #1 – Initiating needless conflict with your spouse. When you’re trying to fix a broken marriage and you’re feeling desperate, chances are things can spiral out of control very easily… (and I think you know what I’m talking about). You think that if you could just talk to your spouse about all your problems and find common ground, your marriage will magically fix itself and get better. But usually, this isn’t the case.

    While communicating with your spouse is important in rebuilding a marriage, what your marriage does NOT need right now is another argument or fight. Even if your partner says something antagonizing or wants to bring up a touchy sticky issue at the moment, do your best to avoid conflict politely. Don’t ignore your spouse or discount any of their concerns, but you need to ensure that the discussion doesn’t end up in a screaming match. You can say something along the lines of, “I know this is a real concern right now and I want to resolve this issue, but can we discuss this later?”

    Try and be as non-confrontational as possible – at least for now – until you learn how you can manage how to handle your arguments later. I’ll get to what I call my “Dispute Defusing System” later in this video. If you have any questions or concerns about this common mistake, please be sure to ask questions in the comments section below. I’ll do my very best to get back to you as soon as I can.

    *** More from Brad Browning: ***
    Mend the Marriage: http://www.mendthemarriage.com
    Ex Factor Guide: http://www.exfactorguide.com
    Brad Browning: http://www.bradbrowning.com
    Love Learnings: http://www.lovelearnings.com
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/bbrowning

  • Tips for a Happy Marriage

    Tips for a Happy Marriage

    It's Our 8 Year Anniversary Today! We got married on June 16th, 2007, and we've been crazy in love since then. We wanted to talk a bit about our marriage, what works in our marriage, why it's important to us, and some of our tips for a happy marriage. YAY LOVE!

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