Tag: nancy salim

  • 4 Tips To Help You Stay Happily Married – by Nancy Salim (for Digital Romance TV)

    4 Tips To Help You Stay Happily Married – by Nancy Salim (for Digital Romance TV)

    In this video, NancyTheDatingDiva (http://NancyTheDatingDiva.com) gives you four tips to help improve your marriage today! Whether you're in a long-term relationship, just recently married, or need a little refresher, watch this video and learn:

    1. Why it's important to make each other a priority and how exactly to do so
    2. How speaking your partner's love language can result in an improved relationship and how to find out what makes your partner feel good!
    3. Why dressing nice at home can impact your love life in a great way and make your partner feel like King of the Castle! And how this can also improve your self-image and confidence!
    4. How being honest, especially about your needs in the marriage can save it from going downhill! Learn why telling the truth works to cement your marriage.

    Welcome to Digital Romance TV. Your one stop channel for all of your relationship needs! http://digitalromance.tv

    Is your relationship missing the old feeling of attraction and appreciation? Do you want to recreate the passion and romance? Check out http://digitalromance.tv/trb to learn how to send simple text messages that will make your partner yearn for you.

    Digital Romance TV.

    Technology has enriched our lives and made day-to-day tasks easier than ever before… but when it comes to romance, we're stuck in the bronze age. Click on any of our videos ( http://www.youtube.com/digitalromanceinc ) to get "tips" and "tools" to make your dating life and relationships richer!

    From reigniting the "spark" in a relationship, to working through a breakup, to landing that "special someone" that you've got your eye on, we're constantly expanding our library of products to teach you how to optimize your romantic life for the information age.

    In keeping with our commitment to using technology to make life easier, all of our content is digitally delivered. From our free podcasts and training PDFs to our premium videos and online communities, we save our customers time and money by skipping physical media and publishing everything online.

    Check out all of our products here: http://digitalromanceinc.com/all-products/

    Subscribe to Digital Romance TV here: https://www.youtube.com/user/DigitalRomanceInc?sub_confirmation=1

  • 4 Ways to Improve Your Marriage – by Nancy Salim (for Digital Romance TV)

    4 Ways to Improve Your Marriage – by Nancy Salim (for Digital Romance TV)

    In this 4 minute video, NancyTheDatingDiva (http://digitalromanceinc.com/author/nancysalim/) gives you four ways to improve your marriage.

    Welcome to Digital Romance TV. Your one stop channel for all of your relationship needs! http://digitalromance.tv

    Keep these tips in mind:
    1. Communicate respectfully and often.
    2. Don't talk bad about your partner's family or friends.
    3. Go out at least once a week with your partner alone.
    4. Don't let your career be your main focus.

    Do you want to create passion and romance in your relationship and keep it going? Visit http://digitalromance.tv/trb for Mike Fiore's Text The Romance Back program and learn how to make your partner yearn for you all day long with just a few simple text messages.

    Digital Romance TV.

    Technology has enriched our lives and made day-to-day tasks easier than ever before… but when it comes to romance, we're stuck in the bronze age. Click on any of our videos ( http://www.youtube.com/digitalromanceinc ) to get "tips" and "tools" to make your dating life and relationships richer!

    From reigniting the "spark" in a relationship, to working through a breakup, to landing that "special someone" that you've got your eye on, we're constantly expanding our library of products to teach you how to optimize your romantic life for the information age.

    In keeping with our commitment to using technology to make life easier, all of our content is digitally delivered. From our free podcasts and training PDFs to our premium videos and online communities, we save our customers time and money by skipping physical media and publishing everything online.

    Check out all of our products here: http://digitalromanceinc.com/all-products/

    Subscribe to Digital Romance TV here: https://www.youtube.com/user/DigitalRomanceInc?sub_confirmation=1