Tag: relationship

  • Before You Get Married! Marriage, Romance, Love Tips

    Before You Get Married! Marriage, Romance, Love Tips

    Before getting married or moving in together, there are two things you can do to assure you're setting yourselves up for a successful long-term adventure.

    ♥ ♥ ♥

    Our award-winning books "The Soulmate Experience: A Practical Guide to Creating Extraordinary Relationships" and "The Soulmate Lover: A Guide to Passionate and Lasting Love, Sex, and Intimacy" are filled with relevant, practical—as well as unusual and fun!—relationship advice for both singles and couples.

    The Soulmate Experience: http://www.thesoulmateexperience.com/…
    The Soulmate Lover: http://www.thesoulmateexperience.com/…


    SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss a single inspiring episode:

    CONNECT with us for more dating advice, marriage advice, and relationship tips:
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  • Tips for Rekindling the Romance & Passion in Your Relationship – Dr. Sheri Meyers

    Tips for Rekindling the Romance & Passion in Your Relationship – Dr. Sheri Meyers

    Relationship expert, Dr. Sheri shares the surefire 3 A's to rekindle romance and passionate love in your relationship. Want to learn more? Visit the Dr. Sheri at http://www.chattingorcheating.com

  • Romance tips for guys

    Romance tips for guys

    A few romance tips for guys. These little things will go a looong way for you guys. 🙂

  • How to Put the Romance Back into Your Relationship

    How to Put the Romance Back into Your Relationship

    Watch more Relationship Survival Guide videos: http://www.howcast.com/videos/317566-How-to-Put-the-Romance-Back-into-Your-Relationship

    Things gotten a little ho-hum at home? Get the hubba-hubba back with these tips.

    Step 1: Do something fun, scary, or challenging
    Share activities that will make your hearts pound with excitement or make you laugh out loud. People find each other more physically attractive when their adrenaline is pumping.

    Step 2: Save the bedroom for sex
    Make your bedroom a place for sex, sleep, and nothing else. Clear the room of mood killers and make it a TV, computer, and personal-digital-assistant free zone. Don't eat in bed, unless it's chocolate body paint!

    If you have a king-size bed, consider downsizing: The lack of physical closeness can create emotional distance as well.

    Step 3: Work on your self-esteem
    Do things that make you feel good about yourself, and encourage your partner to do the same. Researchers have found a correlation between high self-esteem and couples who have managed to keep the romance alive after many years together.

    Step 4: Have a hands-on relationship
    Kiss and touch each other frequently, check in with each other during the day, and make time for sex. A study found that touchy-feely couples who had sex two or three times a week and called and texted each other often during the day reported more satisfying and more romantic relationships.

    Orgasms cause our brain to produce oxytocin, a hormone that makes us feel more attached and loving to the person we're with.

    Step 5: Talk without distractions
    Make time to talk to each other without any distractions, like kids or the TV.

    Step 6: Do the small stuff
    Don't wait for a special occasion to give them a card, buy their favorite candy, or take them to dinner. When it comes to long-term romance, it really is the small stuff that counts.

    Did You Know?
    In one study, when couples who'd been together for 20 years and new lovers had their brains scanned as they looked at a photo of their partner, 10 percent of the long-term couples showed the same brain chemistry as new lovers.

  • Office Romance: How to Handle a Work Romance

    Office Romance: How to Handle a Work Romance


    Office Romance: How to Handle a Work Romance

    You know you shouldn't. It's a bad idea. And yet … you just can't help yourselves. Office romances happen, but they're not easy to handle. Sarah Ivens, author of numerous Modern Girl's etiquette guides, has some tips for sailing the stormy seas of office romance. Check out Howdini.com for more.

    How to manage an office romance

    Office romances are pretty common in America. You usually spend more time with your co-workers than anyone else, so sometimes it's inevitable to develop a crush or even fall in love at the workplace. Just make sure you play it right. Sarah Ivens provides excellent advice on how to avoid the potential pitfalls of an office romance.

    * If the office you both work in has a rule forbidding office romance, it is best to come clean to human resources and your boss. It is one thing to break office policy, it is worse to get caught lying about your work romance. It isn't necessary to tell other co-workers, however.

    * Don't have any kind of sexual relations in the office.

    * Avoid having a work romance with someone you have to report to or someone who reports to you. The power dynamic will be different at work than at home and could cause tension.

    * Jealousy can be a problem in the office among colleagues. Keep the relationship low-key. Don't go out for lunch together every single day or hold hands in front of others or be making out at office parties.

    * Don't gossip about the relationship with colleagues if you want to keep the relationship private. Talk about an office romance can very quickly become public company information.

    * If the relationship becomes very serious, it is best to consider relocation for one or both of you. Whether you change teams, departments, or location, it could be good to make a move.

    * Married couples who work together sometimes lose their working identity and become simply "the company couple". Maintaining your individual identity is important in general, but is particularly important in the workplace.

    Watch the hi-def video on Howdini:

  • Orlando Marriage Counseling Tips | 5 Tips to Save your Marriage | Fox 35 Video

    Orlando Marriage Counseling Tips | 5 Tips to Save your Marriage | Fox 35 Video

    Orlando Marriage Counseling Tips | 5 Tips to Save your Marriage | Fox 35 Therapists Video
    Our Orlando Based Marriage Expert Counselors and Therapists at Total Life Counseling Center has offices in Lake Mary, Winter Park, East Orlando, Southwest Orlando and Clermont Florida.
    Do you want to know how you can rekindle the romance and bring that spark back into your marriage? Below are five proactive ways to stay married:

    1. Reclaim your date night.
    2. Boundaries with the Children and Careers.
    3. Allow Each Other To Have Some Space.
    4. Spice Up the Intimate Moments.
    5. Fight fair.

    For more information on each of the 5 Tips go to http://www.totallifecounseling.com/marriage
    The spirit of despair does not have to ruin your marriage. Depression does not have to be a common word in your household. Take steps today to improve the state of your marriage. If you are struggling in your marriage contact a marriage counselor in your area. For more

    Frustrated with finding a good counselor? At Total Life Counseling Center we take the guesswork out of finding the right counselor by hiring specialists for a perfect fit and help you get better results! Call us at (407) 248-0030 or find more information at http://www.totallifecounseling.com/
    Our Orlando Based Marriage Expert Counselors and Therapists at Total Life Counseling Center has offices in Lake Mary, Winter Park, East Orlando, Southwest Orlando and Clermont Florida.

  • How to Put the Romance Back into Your Relationship

    How to Put the Romance Back into Your Relationship

    How to Introduce the Romance Back into Your Relationship. Things gotten a little slow at home? Get the hubba-hubba back with these tips. You will need Exhilarating knowledge A sex-oriented bedroom High self-esteem Physical affection Regular sexuality Uninterrupted communication Loving gesticulates Queen-size bed( optional) and orgasms( optional ). Step 1. Share activities that will move your middles pound with commotion or move you laugh out loud.

    People find each other more physically attractive when their adrenaline is pumping. Stair 2. Make your bedroom a region for sexuality, sleep, and nothing else. Clear the area of feeling murderers and make it a TV, computer, and personal-digital-assistant free zone. Don’t eat in bottom, unless it’s chocolate mas paint! If you have a king-size bottom, consider downsizing: The deficiency of physical closeness are generating emotional distance as well. Step 3. Do occasions that move you feel good about yourself, and foster your collaborator to do the same. Researchers have found a correlation between high self-esteem and pairs who have managed to keep the romance alive after many years together. Step 4. Kiss and touch each other often, check in with each other during the day, and move period for sex.

    A analyze found that touchy-feely pairs who had sexuality two or three times a week and called and texted each other often during the day reported most satisfactory and most romantic relations. Orgasms generate our brain to render oxytocin, a hormone that forms us detect more attached and adoration to the person we’re with. Step 5. Make time to talk to each other without any distractions, like children or the TV. Step 6. Don’t wait for a special occasion to give them a placard, buy their favourite candy, or take them to dinner. When the time comes to long-term woo, it genuinely is the small material that weighs. Did you know In one analyze, when pairs who’d been together for 20 years and brand-new sweethearts had their intelligences checked as they looked at a photo of their development partners, 10 percent of the long-term pairs showed the same brain chemistry as brand-new lovers.


    Learn How 3 Magic Texts Will Get The Romance Back Check It Out Here