Tag: relationship advice

  • How to Keep Romance in Your Relationship: Five Tips in Five Minutes

    How to Keep Romance in Your Relationship: Five Tips in Five Minutes

    Sometimes it's difficult to keep romance in a relationship; we all know that. But, it's so important to do. So how do you do it? Here are five tips in five minutes on keeping that fire burning!


  • Before You Get Married! Marriage, Romance, Love Tips

    Before You Get Married! Marriage, Romance, Love Tips

    Before getting married or moving in together, there are two things you can do to assure you're setting yourselves up for a successful long-term adventure.

    ♥ ♥ ♥

    Our award-winning books "The Soulmate Experience: A Practical Guide to Creating Extraordinary Relationships" and "The Soulmate Lover: A Guide to Passionate and Lasting Love, Sex, and Intimacy" are filled with relevant, practical—as well as unusual and fun!—relationship advice for both singles and couples.

    The Soulmate Experience: http://www.thesoulmateexperience.com/…
    The Soulmate Lover: http://www.thesoulmateexperience.com/…


    SUBSCRIBE so you don’t miss a single inspiring episode:

    CONNECT with us for more dating advice, marriage advice, and relationship tips:
    TWITTER: http://twitter.com/MaliAneJoe
    INSTAGRAM: http://instagram.com/MaliAneJoe
    FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/MaliAndJoe

  • John Gray & Anat Baniel: 20 Tips: 20. Making Time for Romance for the Busy Parent

    John Gray & Anat Baniel: 20 Tips: 20. Making Time for Romance for the Busy Parent

    http://www.anatbanielmethod.com/ John Gray is interviewed by Anat Baniel: Parenting and relationship advice for couples dealing with stresses of having a child with special needs. Tip 20 in a series of 20 videos with John Gray, author of the bestseller "Men are from Mars, Women are from Venus." Discover relationship tools for how to communicate at difficult times, how to manage stress, and how to provide support for your special needs child. Read the full blog post on the HuffPost.
    Tip 1. Communication and Managing Stress:

    Tip 2. Taking Time Outs:

    Tip 3. Recognize Defensiveness & Learn How to Soften Your Communication:

    Tip 4. Making Decisions When You Disagree:

    Tip 5. How to Stay Together:

    Tip 6. Providing the Best Context for Growth:

    Tip 7. Managing Guilt by Forgiving Ourselves:

    Tip 8. Men and Women Manage Stress Differently:

    Tip 9. Understanding and Providing for His and Her Special Needs:

    Tip 10: When Your Child Starts Acting Out:

    Tip 12: The Art of Asking for Help:

    Tip 13: Children Need Parents Who Communicate:

    Tip 14: Communicate Without Complaining:

    Tip 15: Recognizing Her Need to Vent:

    Tip 16: Venus Talk to Cope With Stress:

    Tip 17: His Suffering — What She Can Do:

    Tip 18: Managing Our Desire to be Perfect:

    Tip 19: Becoming an Enlightened Parent:

    Tip 20: Making Time for Romance for the Busy Parent:

  • Relationship Advice : Romance Tips for Married Couples

    Relationship Advice : Romance Tips for Married Couples

    When it comes to romance in marriage, it's important to sit down with one's partner in order to discuss sexual desires. Learn about scheduling a pleasure event every week with help from board certified clinical sexologists in this free video on marriage and romance.

    Expert: Drs. Chuck & Jo-Ann Bird
    Contact: www.thelovebirds4u.com/home.html
    Bio: Drs. Chuck and Jo-Ann Bird are Board Certified Clinical Sexologists and Relationship Experts.
    Filmmaker: Christopher Rokosz

    Series Description: A successful relationship is based on open communication and an understanding of the source of conflicts. Learn how to solve common relationship problems in this free video series on counseling and sexual issues.

  • 20 Relationship, LIFE And Romance Tips That Will Change Your Life – Owen fox

    20 Relationship, LIFE And Romance Tips That Will Change Your Life – Owen fox

    REJUVENATE Herbal Formula for adrenals, tiredness/exhaustion/burnout, recovery from illness/exercise/sport/childbirth/depletion, illustrious hair, skin and nails, bones, teeth, joints, restoring JING, and increased sex-drive and health: http://goo.gl/z2NjXG
    STRENGTH Herbal Formula for energy, stamina, endurance, digestive power, building strength and lean muscle mass. Strengthens skeletal system, joints, tendons, knees, back, ankles and ligaments. Increased sex drive and libido! http://goo.gl/z3cydu

    SERENITY Herbal Formula for Anxiety, Depression, Fear, Loss, Grief, Improved Sleep, Finding purpose in life: http://goo.gl/89Dpev

    IMMUNE Herbal Formula for Immune System: http://goo.gl/Khm3aK

    CLEANSE Herbal Formula for Liver and Blood: http://goo.gl/vHHNas

    LONGEVITY Medicinal Mushroom Super Blend Formula: http://goo.gl/FK3Mdl

    Ho Shou Wu for Reversing Hair Loss/Color. Sexual libido, Deep energy restoration & Longevity. One of the world's premier Yin-Jing herbs. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3RMJGunv08s
    Learn more or get top quality Ho Shou Wu here: http://goo.gl/15gCKd

    Gynostemma: Blood pressure, Cholesterol, Arrhythmia, Adrenal & Respiratory Support, Pain or Arthritis, Dementia & Bronchitis, Immunity, Cancer, Energy, Sleep, Stress, Possibly BEST powerful adaptogen on the planet, Longevity, DNA protection. Highly recommended for daily use:
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    Visit my FULL inspired Herbshop to Empower & Supercharge your Life! http://www.higherselfherbs.com. Has helped me more than words can say and I used to be very unwell. Now I feel great and have loads of energy!

    HERBS/Superfoods/supplements FOR SPECIFIC CONDITIONS: Use code FOX562 for up to $10 off first order. Free US shipping plus extra discounts with orders over $60 also! http://goo.gl/SnhAr3

    EMPOWERMENT/CLARITY COACHING with Owen & GROUP/RELATIONSHIP COUNSELING With Owen and his partner Sally: http://www.owenfox.org

    SUBSCRIBE! http://www.youtube.com/subscription_center?add_user=0wenfox

    SHARE 20 Relationship, LIFE And Romance Tips That Will Change Your Life: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q5a4v5k-Ci4

    10 Ways to SUPER raise your vibration and energy & feel GREAT!!!!! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xOs9ATgVzFo&list=TLEAsB4hxWbh8


    HERBS THAT CHANGED MY LIFE! http://goo.gl/QiUZQ9

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    EMPOWERED RELATIONSHIPS: http://goo.gl/Svk59U


    Special Playlists I Designed To Help You Empower Yourself & Create The Awesome Life That You Deserve: https://www.youtube.com/user/0wenfox

    Owen Fox is a passionate lover of life, herbalist and health fan, author, coach and self help teacher. He helps people go from confusion to clarity. From disempowerment and weakness, to confidence and positive POWER of the best, most fun, able and exciting kind, where your life is fun, exciting and at your fingertips, to create virtually anything that you wish for. Owen has gone thru many deep, dark nights of the soul, and many big losses in his life at a young age so he can help live and teach a great life. He is very personable, and an extrovert, and is happy to interact with you should you have any questions or inquiries.

    Owen's 1st book here! Golden Messages of Abundant Joy & Celebration! http://goo.gl/wEjA4G Kindle: http://goo.gl/cyy9UA


    FREE VEGAN RECIPES: http://www.sallyservesyou.com

    JOIN OWEN ON FACEBOOK: http://goo.gl/nM2PyM

    TWITTER: https://twitter.com/0wenfox

    If for any reason you feel inspired to give me a great surprise, donation gifts are gratefully and enthusiastically received! http://goo.gl/zNbXTW

    Thank you for all your love & support in mine and Sally's life**

    Know Thyself
    Love Thyself
    BE Thyself

    Take 100% Responsibility for your life
    Then Change your life for the better!

    Eat plenty of fresh raw fruits and vegetables!
    Clean Your GI Tract & Strengthen Your Organs With Herbs, Superfoods, Deep Breathing, Sunshine, Stretching or/and Yoga, Early Nights or Enough Sleep and other healthy, natural practices!

    Remember how POWERFUL You are & Create -For others and yourself- a Life of JOY and LOVE that you deserve!

    Namaste & love,

  • Forever In Love Romance Tips For Married Couples

    Forever In Love Romance Tips For Married Couples

    http://www.relationshiploveadvice.com – Maybe you're having trouble in the romance department. You're not the only one. Here are a few tips for married couples to reignite the spark. This isn't just relationship advice, it's nuggets of gold you can take to improve upon every day.

    When you're ready to discover 7 truths of love very few people every consider in their relationship I would like to you to visit the website above and discover a new outlook on your relationship.

  • More Happy Marriage Tips & Rambling

    More Happy Marriage Tips & Rambling

    Hi All,

    As many of you know, I have been married almost 20 years, and sometimes I find myself sharing advice with women who are just getting started on their marital journey. I am a major marriage advocate, and this week I became even more excited about sharing tips to help keeping others married longer as I debated the benefits of marriage with some naysayers. You can find your Mr. Right, and you can have a long, successful marriage if you work at it. More tips to come!

    Take Care & God Bless,


  • Marriage Help; Access Top Marriage Help & Counseling Materials- Plus Free Marriage Tips

    Marriage Help; Access Top Marriage Help & Counseling Materials- Plus Free Marriage Tips

    Marriage Help – http://couplestherapytoday.com. You can save your marriage even if you are the only one who wants to. There are a lot of free tips on our site, a lot of marriage help, plus a nationally known cutting edge, save you marriage material that has worked with thousands of couples. The world couples therapy can sometimes be interchanged with marriage counseling, however many times neither of them have a great success rate. The programs we promote are a fraction of the cost of one marriage counseling, plus we provide free online marriage help as well. If you need marriage help and are dealing with real marriage troubles, we can help.

    Some couples give up and do not try hard enough to save a marriage, but these principles can help your marriage and stop a divorce. You may want to see a counselor face to face or explore marriage counseling online.

    If you are in an emergency situation and the divorce papers are going to be signed soon, you need the emergency quick start manual that gives you the exact steps to take to have the best chance to keep you marriage intact. Marriage Counseling Online is sometimes a good option.

    Give us a click at http://www.couplestherapytoday.com for great online marriage counseling help.

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  • Relationship Advice : How to Rekindle Lost Romance in a Christian Marriage

    Relationship Advice : How to Rekindle Lost Romance in a Christian Marriage

    Rekindling the romance in a Christian marriage is all about planning a date night in which both people can focus on enjoying each other's company. Make an effort to appreciate a spouse in a Christian marriage with advice from a dating coach in this free video on relationship issues.

    Expert: Donna Barnes
    Contact: www.donnabarnes.com
    Bio: Donna Barnes is a professional life coach, relationship expert, television host, author, columnist and producer, based in New York City.
    Filmmaker: Paul Muller