Tag: romance

  • How to Survive an Office Romance

    How to Survive an Office Romance

    Tips on how to survive an office romance. Cupid keeps loading up his arrows (and that's his job right?) it can be very tempting to ask that lovely colleague out for a date. Just keep these tips in mind to avoid any potential problems further down the line.

  • Keeping Romance Alive in Marriage I Everyday Health

    Keeping Romance Alive in Marriage I Everyday Health

    The moms share some tips for keeping their love life exciting on this episode of Around the Clock.

    Ali Landry
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/alilandry

    Camila Alves
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/CamilaAlves

    Heather Armstrong
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/dooce
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/dooce

    Kendra Wilkinson-Baskett
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/KendraWilkinson
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/KendraWilkinson
    YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/kendra

    Logan Levkoff
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/logan.levkoff
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/LoganLevkoff

    Laila Ali
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/LailaAli
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/thereallailaali

    Tracy Mourning
    Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/HoneyChildbyT…
    Twitter: https://twitter.com/honeychildtracy

    Everyday Health is your No. 1 resource for health and wellness advice. We make it fun and easy to live a healthier, happier lifestyle. Subscribe now and start feeling better — every day.

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  • Romance tips for guys

    Romance tips for guys

    A few romance tips for guys. These little things will go a looong way for you guys. 🙂

  • How to Write a Romance Book: Writing a Good Love Story | 5 Author Tips

    How to Write a Romance Book: Writing a Good Love Story | 5 Author Tips

    5 Tips to Writing a Romance Novel.

    Writing a romance novel is not the easiest thing in the world to do. But with some skill, time and honesty about the subject, you can write something incredibly unique. That's the beauty of a real love story from the heart…it's a story no-one else can tell but your own. After all, the romance genre has always been incredibly popular, particular stories that become big and world-wide known hit a particular chord in people from certain cultures.

    Looking at Twilight it hit a certain group of people. Each with a shared trait that gravitated them towards the book.

    The fault in our stars is also another big hitter that's currently sweeping the world with the release of the film only recently happening. So what makes a romance novel good? Well, it all comes from knowing who you're speaking to.

    Want to write the next big romance novel? I've got the video for you. This video will give you 5 tips on how to write a romance novel or just any story that has a love plot involved in it because it's VERY important you understand WHY and HOW to write it in your own unique and true way. So sit back and relax.

    Personally, my first published novel (which for the time being is not on sale) is all about love and is a romance story. So I'm coming from some experience here not just as a reader but as a writer too. I'm not the be all and end all on advice, I just keep throwing it out there. I have an addiction to Youtube…I need help…oh wait…here I go to make another video…argh stop me pelase helpeiehfeiohfesiofh……..

    Anyway =] Do enjoy and as always here are all the ways you can get in touch with me down below:

    See my face : https://www.facebook.com/authorjamesedwards
    Twitter: @JamesEdwards59
    E-mail: james@procrastinatingwriter.com

  • How to Feng Shui Your Bedroom to Attract or Improve Romance

    How to Feng Shui Your Bedroom to Attract or Improve Romance

    Feng Shui rules for the bedroom:

    Here are some Feng Shui Tips on Attracting Romance or improving relationships.
    For more Feng Shui tips for the bedroom visit my blog:

    Feng shui
    What is feng shui
    How to create good feng shui in your home
    Feng Shui Advice from Glenda Feilen

  • Foreplay Tips For Men That Drive Women Wild | Hot HD Video | Romance

    Foreplay Tips For Men That Drive Women Wild | Hot HD Video | Romance

    Watch Hot & Romantic Foreplay Tips For Men That Drive Women Wild


  • Relationship Advice : How to Rekindle Lost Romance in a Christian Marriage

    Relationship Advice : How to Rekindle Lost Romance in a Christian Marriage

    Rekindling the romance in a Christian marriage is all about planning a date night in which both people can focus on enjoying each other's company. Make an effort to appreciate a spouse in a Christian marriage with advice from a dating coach in this free video on relationship issues.

    Expert: Donna Barnes
    Contact: www.donnabarnes.com
    Bio: Donna Barnes is a professional life coach, relationship expert, television host, author, columnist and producer, based in New York City.
    Filmmaker: Paul Muller

  • Ask Sadi Questions & Answers Part 1, Dating, Love, Romance & Sex Advice & Tips Hot Facts Girls

    Ask Sadi Questions & Answers Part 1, Dating, Love, Romance & Sex Advice & Tips Hot Facts Girls

    Ask Sadi Questions & Answers Part 1, Hot Facts Girls

    Sadi answers questions about love, romance, dating, sex, herself, philosophy, history or just anything. These the answers to your questions.

    This episode;

    Why do my eyes dilate while Fry?
    Should you try to hook up with someone that already has a boyfriend?
    Will the world end in 2012?
    Whats the meaning of life?

    These and many more.

    This is by your hot teachers Sadi the hots facts model or fun fact babe.


    Copyright 2010 Target Public Media. All Rights Reserved.

  • The Art of Romance – How To Make Love – 6 Special Tips To Make Sex Super Romantic

    The Art of Romance – How To Make Love – 6 Special Tips To Make Sex Super Romantic

    The True Life Relationships Website: http://truelifedevelopment.com/trueliferelationships

    Is your sex lacking passion, intimacy and romance? Learn how to turn just sex into making love and how to make it feel extra special with these 6 tips from True Life Relationship's Art of Romance Series, demonstrated by Brian Krall and Jessica Mallory.



    Be sure to connect with us on social media!

    Brian Krall on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/isantis.tao
    True Life Relationships on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Trueliferelationships
    True Life Relationships on Twitter: https://twitter.com/TrueLifeDevelop

    And if you havn't yet be sure to visit our website and sign up for our mailing list and check out all our free resources! – http://truelifedevelopment.com/trueliferelationships


  • How to Put the Romance Back into Your Relationship

    How to Put the Romance Back into Your Relationship

    Watch more Relationship Survival Guide videos: http://www.howcast.com/videos/317566-How-to-Put-the-Romance-Back-into-Your-Relationship

    Things gotten a little ho-hum at home? Get the hubba-hubba back with these tips.

    Step 1: Do something fun, scary, or challenging
    Share activities that will make your hearts pound with excitement or make you laugh out loud. People find each other more physically attractive when their adrenaline is pumping.

    Step 2: Save the bedroom for sex
    Make your bedroom a place for sex, sleep, and nothing else. Clear the room of mood killers and make it a TV, computer, and personal-digital-assistant free zone. Don't eat in bed, unless it's chocolate body paint!

    If you have a king-size bed, consider downsizing: The lack of physical closeness can create emotional distance as well.

    Step 3: Work on your self-esteem
    Do things that make you feel good about yourself, and encourage your partner to do the same. Researchers have found a correlation between high self-esteem and couples who have managed to keep the romance alive after many years together.

    Step 4: Have a hands-on relationship
    Kiss and touch each other frequently, check in with each other during the day, and make time for sex. A study found that touchy-feely couples who had sex two or three times a week and called and texted each other often during the day reported more satisfying and more romantic relationships.

    Orgasms cause our brain to produce oxytocin, a hormone that makes us feel more attached and loving to the person we're with.

    Step 5: Talk without distractions
    Make time to talk to each other without any distractions, like kids or the TV.

    Step 6: Do the small stuff
    Don't wait for a special occasion to give them a card, buy their favorite candy, or take them to dinner. When it comes to long-term romance, it really is the small stuff that counts.

    Did You Know?
    In one study, when couples who'd been together for 20 years and new lovers had their brains scanned as they looked at a photo of their partner, 10 percent of the long-term couples showed the same brain chemistry as new lovers.