Tag: text the romance back

  • 4 Tips To Help You Stay Happily Married – by Nancy Salim (for Digital Romance TV)

    4 Tips To Help You Stay Happily Married – by Nancy Salim (for Digital Romance TV)

    In this video, NancyTheDatingDiva (http://NancyTheDatingDiva.com) gives you four tips to help improve your marriage today! Whether you're in a long-term relationship, just recently married, or need a little refresher, watch this video and learn:

    1. Why it's important to make each other a priority and how exactly to do so
    2. How speaking your partner's love language can result in an improved relationship and how to find out what makes your partner feel good!
    3. Why dressing nice at home can impact your love life in a great way and make your partner feel like King of the Castle! And how this can also improve your self-image and confidence!
    4. How being honest, especially about your needs in the marriage can save it from going downhill! Learn why telling the truth works to cement your marriage.

    Welcome to Digital Romance TV. Your one stop channel for all of your relationship needs! http://digitalromance.tv

    Is your relationship missing the old feeling of attraction and appreciation? Do you want to recreate the passion and romance? Check out http://digitalromance.tv/trb to learn how to send simple text messages that will make your partner yearn for you.

    Digital Romance TV.

    Technology has enriched our lives and made day-to-day tasks easier than ever before… but when it comes to romance, we're stuck in the bronze age. Click on any of our videos ( http://www.youtube.com/digitalromanceinc ) to get "tips" and "tools" to make your dating life and relationships richer!

    From reigniting the "spark" in a relationship, to working through a breakup, to landing that "special someone" that you've got your eye on, we're constantly expanding our library of products to teach you how to optimize your romantic life for the information age.

    In keeping with our commitment to using technology to make life easier, all of our content is digitally delivered. From our free podcasts and training PDFs to our premium videos and online communities, we save our customers time and money by skipping physical media and publishing everything online.

    Check out all of our products here: http://digitalromanceinc.com/all-products/

    Subscribe to Digital Romance TV here: https://www.youtube.com/user/DigitalRomanceInc?sub_confirmation=1

  • 4 Ways to Improve Your Marriage – by Nancy Salim (for Digital Romance TV)

    4 Ways to Improve Your Marriage – by Nancy Salim (for Digital Romance TV)

    In this 4 minute video, NancyTheDatingDiva (http://digitalromanceinc.com/author/nancysalim/) gives you four ways to improve your marriage.

    Welcome to Digital Romance TV. Your one stop channel for all of your relationship needs! http://digitalromance.tv

    Keep these tips in mind:
    1. Communicate respectfully and often.
    2. Don't talk bad about your partner's family or friends.
    3. Go out at least once a week with your partner alone.
    4. Don't let your career be your main focus.

    Do you want to create passion and romance in your relationship and keep it going? Visit http://digitalromance.tv/trb for Mike Fiore's Text The Romance Back program and learn how to make your partner yearn for you all day long with just a few simple text messages.

    Digital Romance TV.

    Technology has enriched our lives and made day-to-day tasks easier than ever before… but when it comes to romance, we're stuck in the bronze age. Click on any of our videos ( http://www.youtube.com/digitalromanceinc ) to get "tips" and "tools" to make your dating life and relationships richer!

    From reigniting the "spark" in a relationship, to working through a breakup, to landing that "special someone" that you've got your eye on, we're constantly expanding our library of products to teach you how to optimize your romantic life for the information age.

    In keeping with our commitment to using technology to make life easier, all of our content is digitally delivered. From our free podcasts and training PDFs to our premium videos and online communities, we save our customers time and money by skipping physical media and publishing everything online.

    Check out all of our products here: http://digitalromanceinc.com/all-products/

    Subscribe to Digital Romance TV here: https://www.youtube.com/user/DigitalRomanceInc?sub_confirmation=1

  • Alien Love Making Tips? – by Anabel Newton (for Digital Romance TV)

    Alien Love Making Tips? – by Anabel Newton (for Digital Romance TV)

    My name is Anabel Newton (http://digitalromanceinc.com/author/anabelnewton/) Happy Couple’s Strategist and creator of the Happy Couple’s Blueprint.

    Welcome to Digital Romance TV. Your one stop channel for all of your relationship needs! http://digitalromance.tv

    In this short video I give you one sex communication tip that could totally transform your extracurricular activities. And it involves thinking along extraterrestrial lines.

    Let me explain…

    No two people on this planet are the same. All men aren’t from Mars and not all women are from Venus – we all have our own individual unique planets.

    But when we communicate, we often speak as though we’re talking to ourselves – we expect our nearest and dearest to understand us the way we would…

    And when it comes to communicating about our deepest needs, desires and insecurities (like discussing the amount and quality of sex you’re having with your partner), we wait for the other to read our minds.

    To ‘help’ them along, we often do one of three things:
    1. Skirt around the issue
    2. Joke about the issue
    3. Wait until it’s a HUGE issue and explode out of sheer frustration blowing things completely out of proportion

    The solution?

    Think of your partner as a being from another planet.

    Assume they know nothing about human feelings, desires, anatomy AND assume that they do not have any emotional baggage or insecurity about sexual performance.

    In other words, use really basic, rational and uncomplicated language.

    If you’re feeling super brave, explain a need you have been really scared of sharing with your partner below – anonymously – in your best language-for-Aliens.

    Thanks for watching.
    – Anabel Newton, creator of the Happy Couple’s Blueprint

    Do you find it hard to communicate your deepest passion with your partner? Do you want to take your relationship to the next level? If you’ve got a cell phone in your pocket or purse right now then you’ve got everything you need to create incredible romance and PASSION with the man or woman in your life at the push of a button. Click here: http://digitalromance.tv/trb

    Digital Romance TV.

    Technology has enriched our lives and made day-to-day tasks easier than ever before… but when it comes to romance, we're stuck in the bronze age. Click on any of our videos ( http://www.youtube.com/digitalromanceinc ) to get "tips" and "tools" to make your dating life and relationships richer!

    From reigniting the "spark" in a relationship, to working through a breakup, to landing that "special someone" that you've got your eye on, we're constantly expanding our library of products to teach you how to optimize your romantic life for the information age.

    In keeping with our commitment to using technology to make life easier, all of our content is digitally delivered. From our free podcasts and training PDFs to our premium videos and online communities, we save our customers time and money by skipping physical media and publishing everything online.

    Check out all of our products here: http://digitalromanceinc.com/all-products/

    Subscribe to Digital Romance TV here: http://www.youtube.com/digitalromanceinc

  • 3 Easy Tips To Increase Your Confidence – by Kimberly Seltzer (for Digital Romance TV)

    3 Easy Tips To Increase Your Confidence – by Kimberly Seltzer (for Digital Romance TV)

    Having confidence helps you attract what you want, in dating and in life. In this video, dating and image expert Kimberly Seltzer (http://digitalromanceinc.com/author/kimberlyseltzer/) shares three tips for helping you feel more confident.

    Learn how to pick confidence boosting clothes, find your natural confidence, and how to identify your strengths.

    Welcome to Digital Romance TV. Your one stop channel for all of your relationship needs! http://digitalromance.tv

    To learn more, sign up for Kimberly's newsletter at http://EliteImageMakeovers.com or check out her blog at http://EliteImageMakeovers.com/adviceblog

    Do you want to create passion and romance in your relationship and keep it going? Visit http://digitalromance.tv/trb for Mike Fiore's Text The Romance Back program and learn how to make your partner yearn for you all day long with just a few simple text messages.

    Digital Romance TV.

    Technology has enriched our lives and made day-to-day tasks easier than ever before… but when it comes to romance, we're stuck in the bronze age. Click on any of our videos ( http://www.youtube.com/digitalromanceinc ) to get "tips" and "tools" to make your dating life and relationships richer!

    From reigniting the "spark" in a relationship, to working through a breakup, to landing that "special someone" that you've got your eye on, we're constantly expanding our library of products to teach you how to optimize your romantic life for the information age.

    In keeping with our commitment to using technology to make life easier, all of our content is digitally delivered. From our free podcasts and training PDFs to our premium videos and online communities, we save our customers time and money by skipping physical media and publishing everything online.

    Check out all of our products here: http://digitalromanceinc.com/all-products/

    Subscribe to Digital Romance TV here: https://www.youtube.com/user/DigitalRomanceInc?sub_confirmation=1

  • How to Put the Romance Back into Your Relationship

    How to Put the Romance Back into Your Relationship

    How to Introduce the Romance Back into Your Relationship. Things gotten a little slow at home? Get the hubba-hubba back with these tips. You will need Exhilarating knowledge A sex-oriented bedroom High self-esteem Physical affection Regular sexuality Uninterrupted communication Loving gesticulates Queen-size bed( optional) and orgasms( optional ). Step 1. Share activities that will move your middles pound with commotion or move you laugh out loud.

    People find each other more physically attractive when their adrenaline is pumping. Stair 2. Make your bedroom a region for sexuality, sleep, and nothing else. Clear the area of feeling murderers and make it a TV, computer, and personal-digital-assistant free zone. Don’t eat in bottom, unless it’s chocolate mas paint! If you have a king-size bottom, consider downsizing: The deficiency of physical closeness are generating emotional distance as well. Step 3. Do occasions that move you feel good about yourself, and foster your collaborator to do the same. Researchers have found a correlation between high self-esteem and pairs who have managed to keep the romance alive after many years together. Step 4. Kiss and touch each other often, check in with each other during the day, and move period for sex.

    A analyze found that touchy-feely pairs who had sexuality two or three times a week and called and texted each other often during the day reported most satisfactory and most romantic relations. Orgasms generate our brain to render oxytocin, a hormone that forms us detect more attached and adoration to the person we’re with. Step 5. Make time to talk to each other without any distractions, like children or the TV. Step 6. Don’t wait for a special occasion to give them a placard, buy their favourite candy, or take them to dinner. When the time comes to long-term woo, it genuinely is the small material that weighs. Did you know In one analyze, when pairs who’d been together for 20 years and brand-new sweethearts had their intelligences checked as they looked at a photo of their development partners, 10 percent of the long-term pairs showed the same brain chemistry as brand-new lovers.


    Learn How 3 Magic Texts Will Get The Romance Back Check It Out Here