Tag: Tutorial

  • DIY Valentines Day Treats

    DIY Valentines Day Treats

    Today will make DIY Valentines Day treats! I simply needed to share these yummy thoughts to all of you. You can make them for your companions, your family, or that special individual.

    We should begin! The first thing I’m making are these Gummy Pretzel Cupid Arrows, I found the idea online, they’re super simple, no-prepare treats! To make these, you will require: Some pretzel sticks, heart molded chewy candies, a couple of preparing scissors and a few toothpicks.

    The first thing that we’re going to do is take a heart and jab an opening in the highest point of the heart with your toothpick. At that point you’re going to take your pretzel stick, put it into the highest point of the heart of the gap we simply made. Now take a second heart, utilize those preparing scissors and you’re going to cut a triangle at the highest point of the heart, to make the little tail of the bolt. It’s truly sticky, I’m going to haul that out and, I’m going to eat it, have a little nibble! Now take your toothpick, make an opening at the base, then take your little tail and put it on the flip side of the pretzel.

    It ought to look a bit of something like this when it’s altogether done, and now you’re simply going to make a group of them! The following thing that we’re going to make is a bunch of chocolate plunged pretzels, this is a fun other option to blooms, you can give them out at school or work to the greater part of your mates. The things you’re going to need are: Some melting chocolates, a glass, a bit of wax paper, and a treat sheet, some huge pretzel sticks, heart shaped sprinkles, a roll of ribbon, a bit of scrapbook paper, I’m utilizing red, a couple of scissors, and some tape. The first thing that you’re going to do is take your bit of scrapbook paper, and cut it down the middle, burrow uh, burrow uh, burrow uh, burrow uh, burrow uh! And after that you’re going to move it into a cone shape, and secure it toward the end with a bit of tape.

    Presently I’m taking my scissors and I’m quite recently touching up the top with the goal that it will resemble an adorable minimal smooth vase so you can stick all these little pretzels in like this, da-dew! Presently I’m going to take my bit of lace and my scissors and chop it down the center since I couldn’t discover thin strip, so I’m simply going to make my own. With the first piece I’m going to make a little bow, there we go, much the same as that. I’m taking the second lace and I’m putting a smidgen of craft glue on the rear, and after that I’m setting it around the front to make it look lovely. What’s more, I’m simply going to wrap the abundance around the back, making a cross. I’m simply going to paste that down and remove the overabundance strip. Presently I’m going to take the bow, put a tiny bit of craft glue on the posterior, and after that stick it on the front of my little bundle! Craft glue is a tad bit muddled, it generally leaves these little, heated glue, I call it strings, yet that is OK, you can simply pull them off! Furthermore, there you go, your bundle is altogether done and now it’s an ideal opportunity to make a few pretzels! first thing you’re going to do is warmth up your chocolate melts, I’m utilizing the microwave.

    What’s more, once they’re altogether dissolved you’re going to empty the chocolate into a tall glass, and after that take your enormous pretzel stick and plunge it in the chocolate. I jump at the chance to pour it as an afterthought and contort it around, that makes it a tiny bit less demanding to get the chocolate all up on the stick. ‘Dere we do! ‘Dere we do! At that point you’re going to give the abundance chocolate a chance to trickle off into the container, and after that once a considerable measure of the overabundance chocolate has dribbled off, you’re simply going to put your pretzel stick onto that wax paper.

    Presently take one of your little heart formed sprinkles, and put a smidgen of chocolate on the rear, I’m utilizing a toothpick. And after that you’re going to stick it on top of your pretzel stick, so that when they stand out of the bundle, they look so Valentine-sy! Take a gander at that little heart, so charming! At that point you’re simply going to make a pack of pretzels and stick them into your bundle! The exact opposite thing that we’re going to make are these discussion heart cheesecakes! I discovered them on the web, they’re so delightful! You’re going to need these fixings, there’s a pack of them, so I’ll clarify them as we go. The first thing that you’re going to need is a heart formed shape, I discovered this from Wilton, and a simmering container, I’ll put both connections down beneath, so in the event that you’d jump at the chance to request them online you can. Furthermore, you’re going to fill the simmering container with water, enough so it will go 1/2 far up the sides of the heart form.

    At that point get the rack with the heart shape on top and put it aside. You’re going to put the skillet with the water in it in the stove while the broiler warms up to 325 degrees. While the water is warming up in the broiler we are going to make some cheesecake outside. You’re going to consolidate 1 measure of graham saltine morsels, 1/2 a stick of liquefied spread, and 1 squeeze of cinnamon, and mix them together in a bowl. Presently take a tablespoon of morsels and place them into each of the heart molds, you’re going to push down on the scraps to make a reduced hull. Furthermore, once you’ve done that to your molds you’re going to place this in the ice chest while we’re going to make some cheesecake filling.

    Yum-yum-yum-yum-yum! To make the cheesecake hitter, you’re going to need some sugar, 3 eggs, some acrid cream, 1 teaspoon of vanilla concentrate, 2 pieces of cream cheddar and a blender, you can utilize a hand blender on the off chance that you don’t have a stand blender, that is fine. Blend 2 pieces of cream cheddar together until they’re extremely smooth, then you’re going to include 1 measure of sugar and beat for 1 minute. At that point you’re going to include 3 eggs and beat for one more moment, once those are blended, you’re going to include 1 teaspoon of vanilla concentrate. I found these adorable heart molded teaspoon measurers at a store called Sur La Table! I’ll put a connection down beneath so you can check them out! In conclusion, include your acrid cream and combine it every one of the 1 last time. Separate the cheesecake hitter into 6 bowls, we are going to color them the diverse shades of the customary discussion hearts.

    So charming! Dee-dee-dee-dee-dee! The colors that we’re going to utilize are lemon yellow, electric pink, leaf green, electric orange, purple, and we’re going to leave 1 of the dishes clear, simply white. Include a couple drops of color and blend it around until you get the hues you like. Once you have every one of your hues prepared, you’re going to empty your cheesecake hitter into your heart forms, this formula makes for a twofold bunch, along these lines, we’re simply going to begin with 6 and heat another 6 later. When you’re filling the cheesecake into the molds, you can fill it the distance to the top in light of the fact that dissimilar to a general cake, cheesecake does not rise that much. I’m likewise quite recently giving these cheesecakes a little shake to discharge every one of those air bubbles. After your heart molds are filled, put them into the container with water, which is currently loaded with high temp water, and prepare them at 325 for 27 minutes. After they’re done heating, permit them to cool for 1 hour at room temperature, and after that place them into the ice chest for 3 hours. This will permit them a lot of time to chill and solidify, and afterward you’re going to remove them from the ice chest and simply pop them out of the molds.

    They fly out truly simple! I’ve popped them out, they look so charming! What’s more, next we’re going to do some enhancing with sustenance shading color and a paint brush. Compose whatever discussion notes you need on top of the cheesecakes. Simply be watchful in light of the fact that when these cheesecakes are at room temperature, the surface turns into a tiny bit delicate. These are what mine wound up resembling, yet you can compose whatever you’d like! Here are all the DIY Valentines Day Treats we made today, they were so fun and simple to make, I trust you folks have a decent Valentines Day, and I trust these treats give you some smart thoughts, since I cherish them! Adore THEM!

    As found on Youtube

    Get Your Loved One A Nice Necklace To Go With Your Treats Check It Out Here

  • Massage Candles-The Miracle Candle For Relaxation And Romance: Body Massage Tips

    Massage Candles-The Miracle Candle For Relaxation And Romance: Body Massage Tips

    Massage Candles-The Miracle Candle For Relaxation And Romance.
    What type of candle is it that so many people are craving? What type of candle is also becoming a permanent fixture on our bedside tables? The answer is a "Massage Candle", also known as a lotion candle, body candle or body wax. This novel and very sensual candle is the ultimate product to enhance a romantic evening, to enjoy a spa quality experience at home, or to nourish and moisturize your skin.

    A massage candle appeals to three of our five human senses: the sense of sight, from the romantic lighting created by the glow of the candle; the sense of smell, from the delicate, alluring fragrance it slowly releases; and the sense of touch, as your partner's hands slowly massage the warm and moisturizing massage oil, created by the candle, over your body. Mmmm, so inviting, relaxing, intimate and delectable! I refer to the massage candle as a "miracle candle" due to its marvelous ability to transport you into a magical world of absolute pleasure. Everyone should experience the bliss of being pampered with a massage while using a massage candle.

    In our day-to-day lives, our bodies become overwhelmed with stress and tension from the trials and tribulations of life. And who wouldn't want to have that stress and tension eased by receiving a body massage from that "special person" in our life, especially in the safe, warm and comfortable environment of our own homes? We all crave touch and research indicates that a massage provides a therapeutic effect by relaxing us physically, spiritually and emotionally. This enhances our sense of well-being. When you relax and allow yourself to enjoy your partner's touch, you may even begin to feel amorous and progress to a more intimate level. Either way, a massage candle is a sensational tool that provides the ability to escape and let the world revolve around you. However, what is most precious is a deep awareness of the special person giving you the massage.

    How does this massage oil candle work you may ask? You simply light the candle and let it burn for approximately 20 minutes to form a melt pool of massage oil. When it is ready, extinguish the flame and drizzle a small amount of the warm, moisturizing oil onto your partner's body. Next, have your partner massage it directly into your skin. Since the base of the massage oil blend is soy oil (derived from soy beans), it burns very clean and long. Soy oil also burns much cooler than traditional paraffin wax, so the melted massage oil does not get too hot to apply directly to the skin. The massage oil will only be slightly warmer than skin temperature.

    Of course, if relaxation and romance is not on your mind, most massage oil candles can also be used without melting as a body balm or lotion. The candle may be used in its solid form by scooping out a small amount with your fingertips and applying it to your skin. When the solid lotion reaches skin temperature it will melt into your skin, releasing its moisturizing properties. Manufacturers of massage candles develop them differently based on their own formulas, so you should always check the ingredients prior to making a purchase. For example, in addition to Cosmetic-Grade Soy Oil, our premium quality massage candle contains such skin-nourishing ingredients as; Shea and Mango Butters, Grapeseed and Jojoba Oils, Beeswax, and Vitamin E. This blend of skin nourishing ingredients deeply moisturizes the skin, leaving it lustrous, silky smooth and delicately scented. Massage candles are also an environmentally friendly product, made with all natural ingredients. Massage candles made with pure essential oils are organic and provide a true aromatherapy experience.

    So, whether you are in the mood for romance, wish to enjoy a spa quality experience at home, or desire an excellent skin care product, the massage candle is for you. Once you have experienced this mesmerizing candle, you will find it to be a charming and irresistible product that you too will come to refer to as a "miracle candle". After you experience this unique product, I am confident that you will always have a body massage candle on your nightstand.

  • How to Have a Summer Romance

    How to Have a Summer Romance

    Like these Teenage Survival Tips !!! Check out the official app http://apple.co/1O6cgJA

    Watch more How to Survive Being a Teenager videos: http://www.howcast.com/videos/13829-How-to-Have-a-Summer-Romance

    School’s out. You’re free. But who wants to spend three months flying solo? Time for a summer romance.

    Step 1: Understand the rules of a summer fling
    Understand what it means to have a summer fling. First, it lasts between two weeks and three months and, second, it’s definitely not serious. Get clarity about this or one of you could get hurt.

    Step 2: Find an appropriate fling
    The first thing to do is to find a willing and appropriate person with whom to fling. Memorial Day at the beach, summer camp, and a summer job are all good places to start.

    Step 3: Make sure they have a “sell by” date
    A crucial component of a summer romance is that it ends come autumn—so check the 'sell by' date on yours. Is one of you just there for the summer? Is one of you going away to school after Labor Day? Is their visa in America only good for three months? Perfect.

    Avoid next-door neighbors, your best friend’s boyfriend or girlfriend, and someone whose heart was just broken. Much too messy.

    Step 4: Check their attitude
    Check to make sure that the potential fling has the right attitude. Say something like, 'I’m looking for fun. What are you looking for?' If they answer 'fun' you’re good. If they get a somber or psycho look on their face—run.

    Step 5: Know how much is too much
    Once you’ve got a summer romance brewing, try to keep exposure to just a few days a week. Never meet each other’s parents. Don’t share your deepest darkest secrets. And absolutely no tattoos.

    Step 6: Plan your exit strategy
    Around mid-August you’ll need to start pointing out that the romance’s expiration date is approaching. It’s as easy as casually talking about packing your bags to leave, or your plans—which don’t involve them—for the fall.

    Step 7: The Labor Day dropkick
    It’s August 31st, time for the Labor Day dropkick. This is a good time to get a little misty eyed. After all, a summer romance without a little melancholy isn’t all that romantic.

    If you’re not feeling any real emotion, you can always fake it.

    Step 8: Bid them adieu
    For the final goodbye, kiss them gently on the lips and tell them what a blast you had. Then say something like, 'You’re gonna make someone really happy someday.' This will let them know that the summer fling is officially over, and not to bombard you with sappy emails. After all, you’ll need to focus on finding that winter romance pretty soon.

    Did You Know?
    Limerence is the psychological term for having a serious crush or infatuation. All love starts with limerence, but not all limerence leads to love.

  • Orlando Marriage Counseling Tips | 5 Tips to Save your Marriage | Fox 35 Video

    Orlando Marriage Counseling Tips | 5 Tips to Save your Marriage | Fox 35 Video

    Orlando Marriage Counseling Tips | 5 Tips to Save your Marriage | Fox 35 Therapists Video
    Our Orlando Based Marriage Expert Counselors and Therapists at Total Life Counseling Center has offices in Lake Mary, Winter Park, East Orlando, Southwest Orlando and Clermont Florida.
    Do you want to know how you can rekindle the romance and bring that spark back into your marriage? Below are five proactive ways to stay married:

    1. Reclaim your date night.
    2. Boundaries with the Children and Careers.
    3. Allow Each Other To Have Some Space.
    4. Spice Up the Intimate Moments.
    5. Fight fair.

    For more information on each of the 5 Tips go to http://www.totallifecounseling.com/marriage
    The spirit of despair does not have to ruin your marriage. Depression does not have to be a common word in your household. Take steps today to improve the state of your marriage. If you are struggling in your marriage contact a marriage counselor in your area. For more

    Frustrated with finding a good counselor? At Total Life Counseling Center we take the guesswork out of finding the right counselor by hiring specialists for a perfect fit and help you get better results! Call us at (407) 248-0030 or find more information at http://www.totallifecounseling.com/
    Our Orlando Based Marriage Expert Counselors and Therapists at Total Life Counseling Center has offices in Lake Mary, Winter Park, East Orlando, Southwest Orlando and Clermont Florida.

  • ★TES 5 Skyrim Gameplay –  How to get Married & Marriage Benefits – Tips and Tricks #14 [PC HD]

    ★TES 5 Skyrim Gameplay – How to get Married & Marriage Benefits – Tips and Tricks #14 [PC HD]

    The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim Gameplay How to get Married and the benefits of getting Marriage.
    IS SHOWN: How to get married in the game, buying a house, obtaining an amulet of mara, doing the quest of the NPC you chose and then the weeding ceremony 🙂 Also an explanation of all the bonus of the marriage, from your wife.

    I recommend buying the house in Whiterun as it is only 5000 gold.

    Skyrim How To Get Married Getting Marriage Tips and Tricks #14

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    Also, send us all your comments and suggestion about Minecraft and stuff you want us to do in the future! WE READ IT ALL!

    Here is the list of NPCs Available For Marriage


    Aela the Huntress — Nord, found in a farm outside Whiterun.
    Aeri — Nord, found in the Pale, inside her house.
    Anwen — Redguard, found in Markarth Temple.
    Avrusa Sarethi — Dark Elf, found in the Sarethi farm in the Rift.
    Borgahk the Steel Heart — Orc, found in Mor Khazgur.
    Brelyna Maryon — Dark Elf, found in the College of Winterhold.
    Camilla Valerius — Imperial, found in Riverwood.
    Dravynea the Stoneweaver — Dark Elf, found in Kyne's Grove.
    Ghorza gra-Bagol — Orc, found in Markarth.
    Gilfre — Imperial, found in the Mixwater Mill in Eastmarch.
    Grelka — Nord, found in Riften.
    Iona — Nord, also found in Riften.
    Jenassa — Dark Elf, found in the Drunken Huntsman, in Whiterun.
    Jordis the Sword-Maiden — Nord, found in Proudspire Manor, in Solitude.
    Lydia — Nord, found in Dragonsreach, in Whiterun.
    Mjoll the Lioness — Nord, found in her house, in Riften.
    Muiri — Breton, found in The Hag's Cure, in Markarth.
    Njada Stonearm — Nord, found in the Companion's Faction House, in Whiterun.
    Orla — Nord, found in the Temple of Dibella, in Markarth.
    Ria — Imperial, found in the Companion's Faction House, in Whiterun.
    Senna — Imperial, found in the Temple of Dibella, in Markarth.
    Shahvee — Argonian, found outside Windhelm.
    Sylgja — Nord, found in Shor's Stone.
    Taarie — High Elf, found in Solitude.
    Temba Wide-Arm — Nord, found in Ivarstead.
    Uthgerd — Nord, found in her house, in Whiterun.
    Viola Giordano — Imperial, found in Windhelm, in Eastmarch.
    Ysolda — Nord, found in Whiterun.


    Ainethach — Breton, found in Karthwasten Hall, in Karthwasten.
    Angrenor Once-Honored — Nord, found in Candlehearth Hall, in Windhelm.
    Argis the Bulwark — Nord, found in Vlindrel Hall, in Markarth.
    Athis — Dark Elf, found in the Jorrvaskr Living Quarters, in Whiterun.
    Balimund — Nord, found in The Scorched Hammer, in Riften.
    Belrand — Nord, found in The Winking Skeever, in Solitude.
    Benor — Nord, found in Morthal.
    Calder — Nord, found in Hjerim, in Windhelm.
    Cosnach — Breton, found in The Warrens, in Markarth.
    Derkeethus — Argonian, found in Darkwater Pass.
    Erik the Slayer — Nord, found in Frostfruit Inn, in Rorikstead.
    Farkas — Nord, found in the Brill and Vignar, in Whiterun.
    Filnjar — Nord, found in his house, in Shor's Stone.
    Gat gro-Shargakh — Orc, found in Pavo's House, in Kolskeggr Mine.
    Ghorbash the Iron Hand — Orc, found in Burguk's Longhouse, in Dushnikh Yal.
    Marcurio — Imperial, found in Riften.
    Moth gro-Bagol — Orc, found in Understone Keep, in Markarth.
    Octieve San — Breton, found in Solitude.
    Omluag — Breton, found in The Warrens, in Markarth.
    Onmund — Nord, found in The Hall of Attainment, in the College of Winterhold.
    Pavo Attius — Imperial, found in his house, in Kolskeggr Mine.
    Perth — Breton, found in the Miner's House, in Soljund's Sinkhole.
    Quintus Navale — Imperial, found in White Phial Services, in Windhelm.
    Revyn Sadri — Dark Elf, found in Sadri's Used Wares, in Windhelm.
    Roggi Knot-Beard — Nord, found in Steamscorch Mine, in Kyne's Grove.
    Romlyn Dreth — Dark Elf, found in his house, in Riften.
    Scouts-Many-Marshes — Argonian, found in the Argonian Assemblage, in Windhelm.
    Sondas Drenim — Dark Elf, found in Goldenrock Mine, in Darkwater Crossing.
    Sorex Vinius — Imperial, found in Solitude.
    Stenvar — Nord, found in Windhelm.
    Torvar — Nord, found in the Companion's Faction House, in Whiterun.
    Vilkas — Nord, also found in the Companion's Faction House, in Whiterun.
    Vorstag — Nord, found in Markarth.
    Wilhelm — Nord, found in Ivarstead.